Contractors All Risks Insurance (CAR) Policy

Contractors' all risks (CAR) insurance provides coverage for 
 (1) Property damage which can include improper construction of structures, damage that happens during a renovation, and damage to temporary work erected on-site; and
(2) Third-party injury or damage claims. Third parties including subcontractors may also become injured while working at the construction site.
The goal of a CAR insurance policy is to ensure all parties involved in a Project are covered, regardless of the type of damage to the property or who caused the damage.

Fire/Property Insurance Policy

This policy covers loss/damage to insured property due to fire/lightning/accidents/natural calamities and other perils including burglary/theft if necessary. This policy covers loss/damage to insured property due to fire/lightning/accidents/natural calamities and other perils including burglary/theft if necessary.

Erection All Risks (EAR) Policy

Erection all risks policy protects the contractor/principals involved in erection of plants/machinery/heavy equipments etc. against their exposure to loss/damage/liability during the course of installation/testing/commissioning period and during the contractual maintenance period.